Client love
"I'm incredibly grateful to have had the opportunity to work with so many amazing people, and to have played a small part in their journey towards achieving their goals. It's truly inspiring to see how capable and resilient my clients are, and I'm honored to have been able to help bring a little bit of light into their lives during challenging times."
— xx Abi
Coaching with Abi
— Ami Sioux, fashion photographer
Abi generously shares her intelligence and eye for beauty. There is tremendous strength behind her soft voice. I’ve always walked away from events with her feeling light, energized, and inspired. Anyone who crosses her path can consider themselves lucky. She is a leader in community building and supporting her girl posse.
— Carmela Fleury, Mother Wild co-founder
Just want to say how grateful I am for you. It was very powerful.
— Anastasia Achilleos, Leading Global Facialist
Abi creates the atmosphere to help you feel good and connected to your body, spirit, and mind. I deeply recommend her Yin classes, you fly over the clouds and you feel amazing.
— Charlotte Ménard, Yoga Instructor
I love Abi’s Journal! It’s full of insightful information and amazing products – all of which Abi has carefully selected to nourish and rejuvenate us. Thanks to Abi, I can save my time, energy, and money as can you!
— Aya McCrindle, Aya Jean style coach
Coaching with Abi
— Perrine Lassere
I have really been enjoying doing your course each day! I look forward to making the time every day to do the daily class and it’s also a reminder to make time for me.
— Gina Kiloufis
Since the full moon event I feel relaxed and I feel that my creative energy has never been so high. I feel connected to myself and I can see more clearly what’s coming on my way, while I was feeling a bit lost before, in transition. I like being part of this monthly event which is a good reminder to slow down and take time to focus on myself.
— Hélène Bégusseau, Fangsong Studio founder
Abi’s Classes feel like A good stretch after a run.
— Emma Skarregaard, interior designer
I have been doing for a few days the wellness travel kit. It’s a gem. Love to start my mornings stretching my body listening to your calm voice. Feeling good and relaxed because of you! Thank you Abi, I feel much better, flexible, relax and I have improved my sleep.
— Nuria Fernandez, Anti-Depresseur designer
I love Abi’s events. Abi’s a fantastic host and is passionate about creating a slower and simpler life for all of us.
— Sarah Furuya, life coach
You offer the possibility for people to reconnect with themselves in the depths of their being by learning the basics of life. It feels soothing and healing.
— Emily Poncin, nutritionist