What is Transformational Breathwork?

Transformational Breathwork is a powerful technique that uses conscious, controlled breathing to help release emotional blockages, enhance mental clarity, and promote physical well-being. By intentionally guiding the breath in specific patterns, this practice can induce a meditative state that leads to deep emotional healing, relaxation, and rejuvenation.

Benefits of Transformational Breathwork

  • Stress Relief: Reduces stress and promotes calm by activating the body’s relaxation response.

  • Emotional Release: Allows for the safe expression and release of repressed emotions.

  • Increased Resilience: Builds your ability to navigate life’s challenges with greater ease and adaptability.

  • Energy Boost: Enhances energy levels and improves circulation.

  • Mind-Body Connection: Deepens the connection between your mind and body for greater awareness.

  • Cellular Rejuvenation: Aids in detoxification and supports cellular healing.

  • Improved Focus: Sharpen your mental clarity and concentration.

  • Deep Relaxation: Encourages deep rest and rejuvenation through the breath.

Who is it For?

Transformational Breathwork is for anyone seeking to:

  • Manage stress or anxiety.

  • Heal from emotional trauma or repressed feelings.

  • Increase energy and vitality.

  • Improve mental clarity and focus.

  • Deepen their connection with themselves and enhance their spiritual practice.

However, individuals with certain health conditions (e.g., cardiovascular issues, epilepsy, or pregnancy) should consult a doctor before participating.

How it Works in The Abi Method

In your Transformational Breathwork session, you will be guided through the three key phases of The Abi Method:

Phase 1: GROUND - You. Reconnected.

In this initial phase, you'll create space for yourself, becoming fully present and preparing to dissolve stress. Abi will guide you to listen to what is coming up and flow with your breath.

Phase 2: GROW - You. Unfurling.

Here, you’ll explore deeper layers of your body’s wisdom, reclaiming your inner power and control. You'll ride the rhythm of your breath to expand and release.

Phase 3: GLOW - You. Embodied.

In this final phase, you will integrate the shifts that have occurred, allowing your inner light to shine outward as you connect your inner and outer landscapes.

Booking Your Session

Whether you're looking to experience Transformational Breathwork as a standalone practice or as part of the broader Abi Method program, you have several options to choose from:

  1. Private Coaching: Experience breathwork tailored to your personal needs, with a personalized scent created just for you.

  2. Group Sessions: Join like-minded individuals for a shared journey of transformation.

  3. Corporate or Event Sessions: Bring this powerful practice into your workplace or special event for a collective experience of stress relief and connection.

How to Book:

  • If you want to anchor yourself, release tension, feel your energy flow, embrace your power, go and join one of her next classes!


  • When I first arrived I was feeling very neutral regarding my emotions and tired. Afterwards I felt joyful, harmonious and energetic. There was a positive energy surrounding my being.


  • It was powerful and vibrant. I felt all my physical and vibratory bodies merging into one.


  • Abi incarne la bienveillance et l’elegance. Elle nous guide parfaitement dans ses sessions de Breathwork pour un lâcher prise complet, une detente profonde et une reconnection a soi.


  • Une expérience unique! Le bonheur d’avoir rencotré Abi qui m’a illumine ma fin d’année grâce a ses séances de Breathwork. Une si belle rencontre.




  • Join Abi for a Transformational Breathwork Classes in person in Paris (120min).

  • Become part of the Ritual Garden Community chat on WhatsaApp to connect, exchange ideas, and grow your wellness journey via community.

  • Get Abi’s weekly rituals in the community WhatsApp.

  • Receive Details: in your payment confirmation Email

Group Classes are held at Uman Project 19 Rue Béranger, 75003 Paris unless specified on the calendar | all classes can be held in English or/and in French

Fee 45.-/class



  • Join Abi for a Transformational Signature Breathwork Class sessions in person in Paris or via Zoom (90min).

  • Get personalised guidance curated to your needs

  • Get direct access to Abi via WhatsApp

  • Become part of the Ritual Garden Community chat on WhatsaApp to connect, exchange ideas, and grow your wellness journey via community.

  • Get Abi’s weekly rituals in the community WhatsApp.

Private in person classes are held in Paris 17 | all classes can be held in English or in French

Fee 200.-/session

800.- / set of 5 sessions

Respiration Transformationnelle

Une technique de respiration ancestrale qui améliore l’ancrage, réaligne le système nerveux et booste l’énergie.


  • Soulagement du stress

  • Libération émotionnelle

  • Augmentation de l'énergie et de la vitalité

  • Connexion corps-esprit

  • Rajeunissement au niveau cellulaire

  • Amélioration de la concentration et de la clarté mentale

  • Relaxation profonde et restauration

Contre-indications :

La pratique de la respiration n'est pas recommandée pour certaines personnes. Si vous avez des antécédents de problèmes cardiovasculaires, de troubles respiratoires, d'épilepsie ou de crises, de graves problèmes de santé mentale, si vous êtes enceinte ou avez récemment subi une chirurgie ou si vous êtes en cours de guérison d'une blessure grave, il est conseillé de NE PAS pratiquer ce style de respiration. En cas de doute, veuillez consulter un professionnel de la santé avant de participer à cette expérience de respiration ou de nous contacter.